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🍽️ Meal footprint

Question for the user

Choose the 14 meals (lunches and dinners) for your typical week

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Choose the dishes that represent your typical week. A priori, you'll have 14: 7 lunches and 7 dinners. But you can choose fewer, or more.

The menus have been designed to be representative of what the French eat.


For the moment, we are proposing 6 typical meals for 6 different diets. It was decided to limit the granularity of the model to 6 menus representing the associated diets to simplify the estimation of the footprint of the food item for the user (the specific features of each person's diet could be covered by a full simulator dedicated to food).

They are not directly based on the diets in the Empreinte database, documented by ADEME, which are considered obsolete (not very exhaustive, FE not derived from Agribalyse).

Instead, we worked on typical meals based on a multi-factor consolidation (total quantity of food consumed, quantity of meat and fish consumed, energy intake, average carbon footprint of a meal) based on data from the INCA 3 study, to approximate the average French diet.

💡 You can find the full documentation in our wiki.

🧮 The detailed calculation is available here in spreadsheet format.

How is this figure calculated?

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