Calculate your climate footprint in 10 minutes top time.
Taking the test🏠✨ Renovate your home to low-energy
High-performance renovation can cut your home's energy requirements by a factor of 6. By consuming less than 50 kWh per m² per year, the home will be classified as A on the energy label of the Energy Performance Diagnostic and will reach the level required for Bâtiment Basse Consommation (BBC) certification.
Your home will consume almost no energy for heating, while remaining very comfortable.
A number of financial incentives are available to support your investment.
Because renovation requires thought and technical and financial knowledge, the government has set up a public renovation service to help you with your project. To contact your nearest advisor, visit the France Rénov' website.
How is this figure calculated?
- Action:
- (logement . empreinte chauffage air * gain rénovation) / habitants
- Propriétaire
- Non applicable si:
- Toutes ces conditions:
- Logement . construction . rénovation . travaux . isolation . présent
- Logement . construction . rénovation . travaux . isolation . présent
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