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About us 🦔

What is it?

This simulator enables you to assess your carbon footprint and by major category (food, transport, housing (food, transport, housing, miscellaneous, social services), see how it compares with your climate targets and, above all take action at your own level with personalised measures based on your answers.

Based on an analysis of existing calculators at the beginning of 2020, it is based on the MicMac model from the associations Avenir Climatique and TaCa.

Une jeune fille tenant la terre sous le regard enjoué de son chien.

Who is developing it?

This carbon calculator has been developed by the Agence de la transition transition (ADEME) and, in partnership with bilan CarboneAssociation (ABC).

The code for this site is free. Immerse yourself in our carbon models by exploring the documentation.


The simulator is constantly being improved.

✨️ Discover the latest news and release release notes.


A selection of audience statistics is publicly available on our stats page.

Privacy policy

We collect anonymised data only to improve this simulator simulator.

🍪 Our privacy policy

Legal notice

Our disclaimer is available on our disclaimer page page.

How to integrate this simulator into your site?

We'll tell you everything on our partners page.

Contact us

You can contact us via our contact form.


The team budget is available on our "Budget" page.