Accessibility statement
ADEME undertakes to make its websites accessible in accordance with Article 47 of Law No. 2005-102 of 11 February 2005. This declaration of accessibility applies to the Nos Gestes Climat website.
Compliance status
The Nos Gestes Climat website ( is partially compliant with the RGAA version 4.1 general accessibility guidelines, due to the non-conformities listed in the "Test results" section.
Test results
The compliance audit carried out on 15/06/2022 by Access42 revealed that the site is 50% compliant with RGAA version 4.1.
Inaccessible content
The content listed below is not accessible for the following reasons.
- Images carrying information have no alternative or no relevant alternative;
- Decorative images are not ignored by assistive technologies;
- Images have captions that are not correctly linked;
- Text and interface components have insufficient contrast
- Links do not have explicit headings;
- JavaScript functionalities are not compatible with assistive technologies (in particular a carousel, content that displays and hides, autocomplete fields and modal windows);
- Context changes are triggered without the user being informed;
- Status messages are not returned by assistive technologies
- Pages contain source code errors
- Pages do not have a relevant page title;
- Language changes in the text are not indicated;
- Pages use tags for presentation purposes (e.g. unstructured text in paragraph tags);
- Pages have an irrelevant title hierarchy (missing or ill-defined titles)
- The structure and main areas of pages are poorly defined;
- Sequences of elements are not structured using lists
- Some texts with a defined font colour have no associated background colour;
- Visual indications of focus are not sufficiently contrasted;
- Form fields do not have a correctly linked label or no relevant label;
- Groups of fields of the same type do not have a title;
- Form buttons have irrelevant labels;
- Input aids are not linked to their respective fields;
- The site has no navigation system;
- Quick access links are not visible on mobile phones;
- Cryptic content has no alternative;
- Page orientation is restricted to portrait mode;
- Functionalities that can be used with a complex gesture have no alternative with simple management.
Exemptions for disproportionate load
The documentation pages use the "Publicodes" library, which is essential for processing published information and has no equivalent adapted to our needs. Using CSS, this library inserts information elements (brackets) into certain calculation formulas, which does not comply with criterion 10.2 of RGAA 4.1. This library manages the title of certain pages, which may be irrelevant, which does not comply with criterion 8.6 of RGAA 4.1.
Modifying this library to change this behaviour would require a significant amount of work for which we do not have the skills. Nevertheless, aware of the problem, we have opened an issue to request the correction of this problem and we will update the library when its authors have passed on the correction. Given the nature of the problem, it is not possible to propose an alternative.
The Nosgestesclimat team uses office documents produced by ADEME. These documents are derogated by ADEME, but it is possible to contact them to obtain accessible alternatives:
The Nosgestesclimat team uses office documents produced by the Association Bilan Carbone (ABC). These documents are derogated by ADEME. There is no alternative.
The "actions" pages contain graphs and tables that do not have detailed descriptions. Adding these detailed descriptions represents a disproportionate burden for Nosgestesclimat. There is no alternative.
Drawing up this declaration of accessibility
This declaration was established on 27/05/2022. It was updated on 15/06/2022.
Technologies used to create the site
- JavaScript
User agents, assistive technologies and tools used to check accessibility
The web pages were tested with the following combinations of web browsers and screen readers:
- Firefox 97 and NVDA 2021.3 ;
- Firefox 97 and JAWS 2020 ;
- Safari 15.0 and VoiceOver (macOS Big Sur, version 11.6) ;
- Chrome 96.0 and TalkBack (native Android 10.0).
The accessibility check is the result of manual tests, assisted by tools (dedicated CSS sheets, HeadingsMaps and WebDeveloper Toolbar extensions, Color Contrast Analyser).
Pages on the site that have been checked for compliance
- Home :
- About us :
- What's new :
- Documentation:
- Contribute :
- Distribute:
- Tutorial:
- Test:
- End :
- Act:
- Action:
- Conference:
- Cambrian-low-health conference:
- Power supply:
- Switching off my devices on standby:
Feedback and contact
It is important to remember that under article 11 of the February 2005 law :
"Disabled people have the right to compensation for the consequences of their disability, whatever the origin and nature of their impairment, their age or their lifestyle"
ADEME undertakes to take the necessary steps to provide access, within a reasonable time, to the information and functionalities sought by the disabled person, whether or not the content is subject to an exemption.
ADEME invites those who encounter difficulties to contact it via our contact form to contact the Nos Gestes Climat team directly or via so that assistance can be provided (accessible alternative, information and content given in another form).
If you notice a lack of accessibility that prevents you from accessing content or a function on the site, and you report this to us and are unable to obtain a response from us, you are entitled to send your complaints or a request for referral to the Défenseur des droits.
There are several ways to do this:
- a contact form;
- a list of the delegate(s) in your region with their direct contact details;
- a telephone number: 09 69 39 00 00 ;
- a postal address (free postage): Le Défenseur des droits - Libre réponse 71120 - 75342 Paris CEDEX 07.