Spreading our Climate Action

Nos Gestes Climat is a public service, its code is free and can be reused by anyone.

We also urge you to share our carbon footprint calculator with others, in a variety of ways - and without requiring development skills!

Find out more about our ambassador distribution kit and all the options available to you below.

Don't hesitate to let us know on our contact page so that we can add you to our ambassador gallery.

🖥️ **Do you want to integrate the calculator directly into your website?

Nothing could be simpler! Integrate it as an iframe in a blog post or website simply by adding the line below to your web page.

Join the many other users of our carbon footprint calculator.

The module will be automatically updated with the latest developments.

To find out more about integration, visit our guide.

You can find all our technical documentation by following this link.

✊ **Would you like to get the people around you, in your local authority, company or university, involved?

Nos Gestes Climat has been designed to be a tool for mobilisation, and we are delighted to be able to count on you to help us amplify this dynamic through dedicated campaigns.

Our distribution kit can be used to customise your campaign to encourage your friends and family to carry out their carbon footprint.

To make your campaign more fun, use the "organisations" function, which gives you the average carbon footprint of all respondents, overall and by emissions category (more information in our dedicated article).

👉 Create your space on www.nosgestesclimat.fr/organisations

🪂 Distribute the generated link and organise a turnkey awareness and action campaign using our distribution kit

🗓️ Follow the campaign's progress daily on your online dashboard

If you need any support or would like to co-construct your campaign, you can request a demonstration on this page.

📢 **Would you like to share Our Climate Gestures on your social networks or in your newsletter?

Distribute our visuals and animations Discover our presentation article Embed or share a short presentation

👥 **You would like to organise an Nos Gestes Climat workshop?

Discover the workshop kit created by our partner, the Agence pour la transition Bas Carbone (ABC), and organise workshops and physical exchanges around Our Climate Gestures to unite and strengthen participants' understanding.

You can do this on your own or contact us to organise it: animation-ngc@abc-transitionbascarbone.fr

🗞️ **Would you like to talk about Our Climate Gestures in your media?

We'd be delighted to hear from you, as the media are the main source of information about our carbon footprint calculator!

Contact our roll-out manager for any information, testimonials or co-writing requirements: contact@nosgestesclimat.fr

🤲 **You just want to help us?

All contributions are welcome! We are particularly looking for :

  • contributors who would like to share their suggestions and ideas for improving the site, the tool and its model. Everything is on Github, but don't hesitate to contact us directly.
  • ambassadors who can roll out Our Climate Gestures to help people carry out their carbon footprint

As a reminder, we are providing you with a distribution kit for our carbon footprint calculator, and you can write to us if you need any support or have any questions.

**💌 Would you like to contact us?

Our team will get back to you as soon as possible!