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Question for the user
What is the average number of passengers in the car?
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A car consumes roughly the same amount of fuel whether it has 1, 2 or 5 passengers on board. So travelling with several people means potentially dividing your individual footprint by 5!
🤔 But this is not an easy question to answer: it's likely that in the space of a year, 3 of you will have gone on holiday together, taken the car on a daily basis on your own, and so on.
Try to estimate a rough average: if every day you take the car by yourself, put 1 or 1.2. If you only drive with family or friends, enter 3.
In a future development of the simulator, we will be able to separate the questions by type of journey: holiday, home-work, daily with a customisable number of passengers.
Of course, if you're being driven or taking a taxi, the driver doesn't count, as he's there to help you make your journey.
The maximum number of passengers is assumed to be 9 (B licence limit).
However, this question is often incorrectly answered because users do not consider the average number of passengers: they will answer 3 if they are taking their children to school without taking into account that they are alone in their car most of the time.
How is this figure calculated?
- Km > 0
- 1
- 9
- The number of passengers is between 1 (you) and 9 (8 passengers at most).
- 1.2
- Suggestions:
- 1
- 2
- 5
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