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Question for the user
What is the average number of passengers in the car?
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🤔 It's highly likely that your journeys are not the same, and that you sometimes drive alone, sometimes with others.
You should be aware that, on average in France, the occupancy rate of a car is 1.4 people on short journeys, and 2.25 people on long journeys. This rate increases slightly for families, particularly single-parent households.
The maximum number of passengers is assumed to be 9 (B licence limit).
However, this question is often incorrectly answered because users do not consider the average number of passengers: they will answer 3 if they are taking their children to school without taking into account that they are alone in their car most of the time.
How is this figure calculated?
- Km > 0
- 1
- 9
- The number of passengers is between 1 (you) and 9 (8 passengers at most).
- 1.2
- Suggestions:
- 1
- 2
- 5
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