Calculate your climate footprint in 10 minutes top time.

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Fuel notification

Your vehicle runs on biofuel: in addition to the carbon footprint of biofuels, we need to be aware that they also have a footprint on the soil: this soil could be used to grow cereals to feed us or serve as a biodiversity refuge. This is what is known as "land use change" here, for the purposes of biofuel production. Unfortunately, the impact on the climate of this change of use is difficult to quantify and particularly uncertain.

We have chosen to include this option in the test, but it should be noted that this result is not representative of the likely environmental consequences associated with the use of biofuels

How is this figure calculated?

  • Notification
  • Thermique . carburant = 'essence E85'

To find out more about this rule in our model, run the calculation by clicking on the button below.