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Car size

Question for the user

What is the size of the car?

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💡 If you use more than one car (e.g., in the case of not owning one), choose the answer that is most representative of your usage.

The heavier and taller a car is so with a strong wind grip, the more it consumes so the more it pollutes!


We consider the default car to be a "Sedan", as evidenced by a study conducted by AAA Datawhich states that "While SUVs accounted for 38% of vehicle sales in 2019, they represent only 16% of all vehicles on the road, far behind sedans, which account for 58%, or 23 million vehicles."

How is this figure calculated?

  • Applicable si:
    • Toutes ces conditions:
        • Une de ces conditions:
          • Utilisateur = 'propriétaire'
          • Utilisateur = 'régulier non propriétaire'
      • Km > 0
  • 'berline'
  • Formule:

To find out more about this rule in our model, run the calculation by clicking on the button below.

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