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🚗🤝 Getting into car-sharing

You can be a great fan of walking, cycling and public transport, and still need a car from time to time - for leisure, long journeys or to go shopping.

Car-sharing is a solution, especially if you don't see the point of owning a vehicle that spends most of its time in a car park. With car-sharing, you use a shared vehicle. That means lower costs (insurance, maintenance charges) and no more parking hassles.

How is this figure calculated?

  • Transport . voiture - recalcul
  • Applicable si:
    • Toutes ces conditions:
      • Voiture . km > 0
      • Voiture . km < plafond activation autopartage
  • Non applicable si:

To find out more about this rule in our model, run the calculation by clicking on the button below.

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