Calculate your climate footprint in 10 minutes top time.

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👖📉 Buy half as many clothes

Every year in France, almost 3.3 billion items of clothing, footwear and household linen are put on the market, more than twice as many as in the 1980s. Clothes are sold at attractive prices, so people are buying more of them than a few years ago and keeping them for less time. And that's not without its problems.

Their manufacture involves numerous stages and processes that sometimes harm the environment and the people who make and wear them.

Jeans, for example, are made from cotton grown in India or Africa, which has a huge environmental and social impact. The cotton is dyed in another country, sent back to Asia for manufacture, and then sold in France and all over the world! In this way, it can make its way around the planet. In each of these countries, at each stage of its life cycle, this garment has major environmental and social consequences.

To limit the impact of your clothes, make them last, buy less and buy second-hand more often.

Find out the carbon footprint of your clothes with this simulator.

Dive behind the scenes of fashion and fast-fashion with this guide

How is this figure calculated?

  • Divers . textile . nombre total > 10
  • Divers . textile / 2

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