Calculate your climate footprint in 10 minutes top time.

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📱 Phone


Phones, and particularly recent smartphones, are the symbol par excellence of high-tech, which is reputed to consume a lot of resources. The issue is made all the more important by the fact that they are often renewed on a regular basis, for example with each annual release of the new iPhone. In reality, particularly compared to the number of hours we spend on these little objects, their climate footprint could be compatible with a sustainable lifestyle. Illustration: A top-of-the-range phone (iPhone X) is just under 100kgCO2e. Assuming we buy this state-of-the-art smartphone every 2 years, we have a footprint of around 50kgCO2e/year. That's half a per cent of the average French person's footprint (11 tonnes). And 2.5% of a sustainable footprint of 2 tonnes/year. If you don't have a mobile phone, chances are you have a landline.

How is this figure calculated?

  • Empreinte * nombre / (durée * coefficient préservation)

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