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What digital cameras do you own?

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The footprint of shared devices at household level (television or desktop computer, for example) is divided by the number of inhabitants.

The footprint of individual devices (such as mobile phones) is allocated to you personally.


This category is a little different in terms of depreciation. Unlike furniture, where everything is considered to be shared within the household, in this case some appliances are shared, while others are considered to be individual, here, some appliances are shared, while others are considered to be individual.

We have therefore arbitrarily defined individual devices (telephone, tablet, camera) and collective (TV, desktop computer, video projector, home cinema, Bluetooth speaker, voice speaker, home console).

For the choice of the emission factors used, we rely on the Negaoctet data from a study carried out by ADEME, which are the most recent and the most accurate we have available.

For the time being, we are not considering the end-of-life of the equipment here, but in the 'waste' item.

How is this figure calculated?

To find out more about this rule in our model, run the calculation by clicking on the button below.

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