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Sports leisure footprint


There are so many questions that could be asked to estimate the footprint of sports-related leisure activities...

To be exhaustive, we'd need to list all existing sports, ask about frequency of practice, facilities used, whether or not people belong to a club, and how often personal equipment is renewed.

But that would be far too many questions, given the weight of sport in the final footprint.

For the moment, we estimate this footprint using a "macro" approach, i.e. we start with the footprint of the sector in France, which we then relate to the individual, weighting the values using "market" data: number of people practising, number of club members...

The macro subdivision we have at our disposal enables us to isolate: the use of sports facilities or general sports services (attributed to all sportsmen and women), sports club membership (attributed to all sportsmen and women whose sport is majority club-based), and fitness club membership (attributed to those who tick "gym or weight room").

In addition, a study carried out on behalf of the resorts of Tignes, Le Grand Bornand and La Clusaz has enabled us to allocate a footprint to winter sports enthusiasts.

How is this figure calculated?

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