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Percentage of season of the average meal footprint

In a first approach, we have chosen to estimate the share of the footprint of seasonal products in the footprint of the average French mealcalculated from the INCA 3 survey (2017).

These products include fruits and vegetables that can be purchased "directly" in season, as well as other processed products, such as fruit juices, soups and compotes, which can be purchased with knowledge of the product's production date.

We have chosen to exclude potatoes from the calculation, as they can be harvested almost all year round, thanks to their many varieties.


This method of calculation is imperfect: ideally, we could make the difference between seasonal and out-of-season on each dish in the user's personalised diet. However, in a future version of the calculation we will be able to differentiate the percentage for each element of the diet.

However, it does have the merit of giving an initial order of magnitude.

🧮 The detailed calculation is available here in spreadsheet format.

How is this figure calculated?

  • 7.3%

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