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Calculate your climate footprint in 10 minutes top time.

Take the test

glacier des Périades

In summary:

  • new questions and models for taking into account the age and construction materials of the home
  • a host of new climate-friendly gestures
  • a conference mode in preparation, already available for testing
  • bugs solved

Housing age

Previously, a home built in 1901 had the same annual construction footprint as one built in 2019. Ouch. Fixed now.

  • age of home -> whether or not a footprint is taken into account, homes > 50 years old go to zero
  • house vs. apartment
  • traditional construction (concrete I think) vs. eco-built


Lots of new ways to take action :boxing_glove:

Which brings us to a good twenty!

Capture d’écran du 2021-04-27 17-51-06

Capture d’écran du 2021-04-27 17-51-13

But also :

  • switch to LEDs at home
  • do without the car for journeys < 5km
  • give up the tumble dryer
  • replace my gas boiler with oil

After a final salvo, we'll move on to improving the UX of this "climate gestures" section.

Conference mode in the works

On PR number 222, you can follow the progress of a brand-new simulation mode for ourclimategestures: make the simulation with several people!

It will be useful for conferences and workshops, as well as for testing with friends.

To test it, click here 🏹 🏹 (deprecated)

Capture d’écran du 2021-04-27 17-59-21

Bonus: computer hardware obsolescence

We're committed to fighting the digital footprint by not neglecting devices with lower definition than the current standard. Here's a little improvement in that direction: