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Calculate your climate footprint in 10 minutes top time.

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In brief: improvements to transport questions 🚦 ℹ This is a small version, with a few improvements but nothing earth-shattering. It's only part of the story.

  • your last browser simulation, if any, is automatically loaded 🧙‍♂️

  • we've separated the calculation of the aircraft's footprint ✈ into three questions, by type of mail: short, medium, long. The calculation is more reliable. We also ask the question "do you fly" beforehand to free up those who are not concerned by this emission item

  • we've added a FAQ ❔ on the /contribute page. After all, we get a lot (a lot) of feedback, often similar.

  • we've improved the car questions 🚗, in particular to avoid talking about "your" car when the user has said they don't have one

  • the 🚗 emoji was not adapted to represent the transport category, leading some people who use cars very little, but other means of transport to believe in a bug in our model. It's now this one: 🚦