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Nos Gestes Climat, v1

In a nutshell: &gt The action screen has been completely redesigned, with two paths and more gestures

  • the application has been partly redesigned: it's more modern and pleasant to use, especially on mobiles
  • we've introduced personas, so you can work more effectively on your next actions
  • share your simulation results on networks, and people will see a capture of your results straight away!

Take action

We've completely redesigned the /actions screen.

We now have access to two modes, a guided one where actions are sorted by you, and a stand-alone one that lets you tackle the biggest reduction gestures.

Capture d’écran du 2021-03-29 15-53-21

The selection of gestures is now more complete, with 17 in all categories.

Capture d’écran du 2021-03-29 15-54-28

Redesign of the application, especially on mobile

  • we've adopted the conventions of the modern mobile, with finger-accessible navigation buttons at the bottom, and a session bar giving the simulation result also at the bottom and permanently visible

Capture d’écran du 2021-03-29 11-05-15 resized

  • on the action screen, the session bar remains predictable, in the same place but with the color of the category

Capture d’écran du 2021-03-29 11-07-12 resized

  • we've gained vertical space on mobile. Why is this important? To make phones < 6 inches last. Not because 6 inches is bad, but because changing phones just for the screen is a shame. It won't revolutionize our footprint, but it's something!

Previously Capture d’écran du 2021-03-29 10-52-39 resized After Capture d’écran du 2021-03-29 10-52-51 resized

Simulation sharing

Big new feature that lets you preview simulation results when sharing on social networks. We hope to improve the application's distribution. Below, a Whatsapp capture.

See <a href="">this PR</a>.

Introducing personas

This system, to be populated with profiles that are as representative of the population as possible, will enable us to better test and develop the application.

Capture d’écran du 2021-03-29 15-50-57

Bug fixes

We've corrected a major bug: the simulation's "previous" button wasn't working properly. We've removed it, fixed the same problem that affected the "my answers" button, which now becomes the only way to modify your answers. It's now the only way to modify your answers.