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Calculate your climate footprint in 10 minutes top time.

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The Glacier du Tour is located in the Chamonix valley, a valley accessible by a superb mountain TER

Unpack your wardrobe

Finally, we no longer ask you the question of expenditure on textiles each year, which was too sensitive to the quality of the purchases. Instead of counting 50kg CO2e for a t-shirt bought for €100, we count the t-shirt's footprint.

In return, it's up to you to catalog what you buy in general each year (or on average each year). Not such a simple exercise... but rather interesting, don't you think?

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Viewing sub-categories

As you go through the questions in the simulation, visualize the sub-category footprint at a glance.

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Help notifications for understanding questions

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Back button return

We had removed this button because it led to bugs, questions skipping and falling definitively into oblivion. Following numerous requests, it's back, and normally bug-free!

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For those who heat with oil 🛢️

We've quietly changed the main input from kWh to liters. Of course, you can still enter the price. We estimate consumption in liters at the quarterly rate published by the Ministry.

New personas.

We haven't communicated much about this feature, but nosgestesclimat is now equipped with a Personas page, which lets you put yourself in the shoes of any individual to see their simulation results. It's here, and we've added a few more:

This improved page could become very important in the future: personas could be designed to be representative of the French people.

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Various improvements

We always listen carefully to your feedback!

Input aids

we've improved the airplane input help for those who don't fly every year (details here), and accommodation to accommodate less conventional lifestyles (camping car, truck, houseboat, details here.

End screen

We've added the decimal to the final test score on the end screen
