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Calculate your climate footprint in 10 minutes top time.

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Neige Rouge sur le mont Ritter (Etats-Unis)

In spring, red algae (Sanguina) circulating on the surface of snow crystals proliferate, capturing CO2 and turning the snow a blood-red color. This coloration reduces the snow's albedo, accelerating the melting of the snowpack concerned and shortening the duration of the snow cover. This phenomenon seems to be becoming increasingly frequent, and is correlated with global warming. If you're curious, you may be interested in the France Info report from May 30, 2023!

In brief :

  • 🧮 Improved calculation model: added accommodation for your vacations and weekends, an "efficient mobilities" question, added electric scooter
  • ⭐️ Addition of "Northstar" indicators
  • 💌 Save simulation by email
  • 📝 The Nos Gestes Climat blog has arrived!
  • 📊 Improvement of the /stats page
  • 🫶 External contributions
  • 🐛 Tech topics and bug fixes

🧮 New additions to the calculation model!

🏖️ Your vacation accommodations

Hotel, campsite, holiday rental or home exchange? As the vacations approach, you can now complete your footprint with that of your holiday accommodations (in addition to caravans and motorhomes).

The various reflections on the subject have led to the use of data from the final report on the pre-deployment of environmental labelling for hotels, published by ADEME in March 2020 with the support of Betterfly Tourism.


🚲 Redesign of the "Soft mobility" question

Following your numerous feedbacks and questions on the subject, we now propose you to select your "efficient" modes of transportation. The carbon footprint is relatively low, but it's clear that the environmental impact of these vehicles, particularly electric ones, is not negligible in other respects. The idea is to keep this question educational!


🛵 New electric scooter option for two-wheelers

The electric scooter is now available in the list of motorized two-wheelers! With the added bonus of a "Change to an electric scooter" action if you enter a combustion scooter!


And other changes

⭐️ We'd like to hear what you think of Nos Gestes Climat!

At the end of the simulation, a banner appears inviting you to give your opinion:

  • Did "Nos Gestes Climat" teach you anything? image

  • Does "Nos Gestes Climat" make you want to take action to reduce your carbon footprint? image

Knowing your carbon footprint is great, but it's only the first step in a process that we hope will lead to awareness and action! This indicator is invaluable for the team, as it enables us to keep this objective in mind, with a view to continuous improvement.

💌 Save your simulation via e-mail


You can now retrieve your simulation at any time, via a "magic" link: we've added a form at the end of the simulation allowing you to enter your email address to receive your simulation results by email. This will also enable us to keep you up to date with our latest updates and feature additions to the site.

The arrival of the NGC blog

It's about time! Three years after Nos Gestes Climat went online, ideas for articles are pouring in, and we have no shortage of subjects to look at, clarify and explain the notion of individual carbon footprints, but not just that! So we've set up a blog, which you can find here.

📊 The stats page is evolving

New indicators have been added to our public statistics page, including the number of simulations completed!

🫶 Thank you for your contributions

🇹🇳 Tunisia added

Thanks to @nicolaspkandeel who enabled the release of the Tunisian version of the test via a direct contribution on our repository!

Miscellaneous contributions

🪲 Tech topics and miscellaneous bugs

Focus on the new server language for Publicodes

@EmileRolley has released a server language for Publicodes(a development aid) to allow us to write the Nos Gestes Climat model even faster!

But also ...:

💡 As a reminder, all Nos Gestes Climat public service developments are made transparently on the Github platform, both on the site side and on the calculation model side.

See you soon for more great news!