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Calculate your climate footprint in 10 minutes top time.

Take the test

In brief :

  • New animated graphic during simulation
  • New end screen highlighting the climate objective
  • New end screen to explore footprint by sub-category (car, plane, heating, etc.)
  • New end screen to introduce actions
  • More personalized end screen (simulation not started, not finished, low climate score, etc.)
  • Share your simulation with a set of emojis
  • New "public services" rhetorical question

New animated graphic during simulation 📊

Recording 2022-06-22 at 18 51 50

New end screen highlighting climate objective 🎯

Recording 2022-06-28 at 12 50 44

New end screen to explore your footprint by sub-category (car, plane, heating, etc) 🧱

Recording 2022-06-28 at 12 51 58

New end screen to introduce actions 🏁


More personalized end screen (simulation not started, not finished, low climate score, etc.) 👤


Share your simulation with a set of emojis 🐦️


New "public services" rhetorical question 🏛️


Improving our presentation component

For the tutorial, and the end screen, we monitor the rate at which slides are played. We've made the next button more obvious via an animation, and now display slides as circles above the slides.


Its performance on the end screen has also been improved, for smaller processors.

New instruction sheets

We've added comprehensive fact sheets to explore in more depth what you can do for your digital footprint, via telecommuting, for your personal savings, and so on.



Other improvements

We're starting to work on indexing the site on search engines, and making incremental improvements to the calculation model.