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Calculate your climate footprint in 10 minutes top time.

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In brief: 🚀 This is the 1st beta version of Nos Gestes Climat, released in June 2020.


It's essentially a reworking of the 2.6 model of Avenir Climatique's MicMac tool, which resided in a downloadable spreadsheet file. MicMac Web was no longer updated, so a new version of the interface had to be launched, one that was more modern, interactive, easy to upgrade and provided total transparency on calculations.

This repository contains the complete Nos Gestes Climat calculation model, in the form of publicodes YAML files.

The tool is in beta version: it's usable and already informative, but we've already identified many unsatisfactory points:

  • the total does not reach the expected 11.2 tons
  • the numerical section is not complete, and the footprint is underestimated
  • the only question on diet is very disappointing
  • etc.
