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Calculate your climate footprint in 10 minutes top time.

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In brief: Power supply, average footprint and a few bugs

For this 2nd version of Nos Gestes Climat, we've listened to the already numerous feedbacks and made these main changes.

Food item

We've introduced the choice of breakfast type:


As well as a new diet selector, much less rigid than a single diet.


More representative default values

The simulator now defaults to 11.7 tons, a figure closer to the average footprint of a French person (we were previously at 10).

"Finance" item removed

As explained in #24, assigning a footprint to money in the bank was double counting. We've removed it.

🐛 shared car bug

In short, we were greatly overestimating the footprint of car-sharing.

We now attribute a share of the vehicle's construction to each person who rents a car to get around. We used to make the mistake of attributing all the construction to him.