Calculate your climate footprint in 10 minutes top time.
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- we've reworked the question on household appliances, asking for a list of appliances rather than an annual expense, and made the calculations more reliable
- we've launched the
function on the home page > This release note takes its name from the research work that analyzed the evolution of over 200,000 terrestrial glaciers using satellite images. More info here
Appliance footprint
We move from a monetary factor to a list of possessions.
So we were probably overestimating the default footprint of household appliances by a lot, as noted here.
Conversely, in this new version, users are prevented from forgetting recent purchases, as they are offered a list that is not complete, but already quite extensive.
We also overestimated the footprint of household appliances, as this was attributed entirely to the individual. We now divide it by the number of people living in the home.
Conference mode launch in foreground
The feature is now open to all, on the home page.
It allows friends, colleagues and workgroups to interactively calculate their footprint together.
A new guide helps you understand the principle before you get started.
Room names in French are automatically generated, so you don't have to worry about finding a name.
Other /conference mode bugs have been resolved.