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Calculated footprint per kilometre


For the time being, we have not used the values from the GHG balance sheet database for hybrid cars, because they are complicated to interpret:

  • the "rechargeable hybrid" category has a surprisingly small footprint (on a par with electric cars), but above all it has 0 combustion emissions. So it's a petrol vehicle that doesn't use any petrol at all? [A recent topic] on the bilan-GES forum does not explain the inconsistency.
  • the difference between Prius full hybrid and P2 full hybrid is not explained
  • in these 2 categories, there is no entry-level model.

The FNH-Carbone4 study could be used to calculate the footprint per km of plug-in hybrid vehicles. Here is the structuring hypothesis used:

Distribution of driving modes (combustion/electric) for hybrids: 50%/50% in 2016

However, it is worth noting the recent controversy over the footprint of plug-in hybrid vehicles following a study by Transport & Environnement, which found that the actual footprint was incomparable to the footprint claimed by manufacturers.

For the time being, therefore, we have used the calculation made by the MicMac calculator, which is the basis of Nos Gestes Climat, but unfortunately the source is inaccessible:

Hybrid: deduct 15% from the above consumption figures (source ADEME:

How is this figure calculated?

  • Formule:
    • Variations:
        • Motorisation = 'thermique'
        • Thermique . empreinte au kilomètre
        • Motorisation = 'hybride'
        • Thermique . empreinte au kilomètre * 0.85
        • Motorisation = 'électrique'
        • Électrique . empreinte au kilomètre

To find out more about this rule in our model, run the calculation by clicking on the button below.