Calculate your climate footprint in 10 minutes top time.
Take the test🚌🚲 Go to work without a car
Commuting to and from work is the biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions from office activities! And with good reason: ¾ of these journeys are made alone by car, with major environmental impacts. If you rethink your commute, you may have more to gain than you think.
Read our article to find out about all the solutions, the support available and the stories of employees who have changed the way they travel.
How is this figure calculated?
- Action:
- Seuil activation = 0
- Voiture . km > seuil activation
- Formule:
- Variations:
- Si:
- Une de ces conditions:
- Type = 'bus'
- Type = 'TER'
- Type = 'métro ou tramway'
- Boulot . distance * gain empreinte au km
- Type = 'vélo classique'
- Recalcul vélo
- Type = 'vélo électrique'
- Recalcul vae
- Type = 'trotinette électrique'
- Recalcul autres véhicules à moteur
To find out more about this rule in our model, run the calculation by clicking on the button below.