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Footprint per km


Moped - Mixed - 2018 ; 76.3 gCO2e/km/person ; ADEME calculations based on HBEFA (2020)

Electric scooter: 30 gCO2e/km/person; study "Assessing the Environmental Performance of New Mobility" by the International Transport Forum. Excel available here

Motorcycle =< 250 cm3 - Mixed - 2018; 76.3 gCO2e/km/person; ADEME calculations based on HBEFA (2020)

Motorcycle > 250 cm3 - Mixed - 2018 ; 191 gCO2e/km/person ; ADEME calculations based on HBEFA (2020)

The above figures include vehicle manufacturing, unlike previous data (2021).

How is this figure calculated?

  • Formule:
    • Variations:
        • Type = 'scooter thermique'
        • 0.0763 kgCO2e/km
        • Type = 'scooter électrique'
        • 0.030 kgCO2e/km
        • Type = 'moto inf 250'
        • 0.0763 kgCO2e/km
        • Type = 'moto sup 250'
        • 0.191 kgCO2e/km

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