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Flight hours

Question for the user

Over a year, how many hours do you travel on flights of more than 6 hours (long-haul)?

Input help

Count the hours you've spent in a plane for journeys of over 6 hours (corresponding to flights of over 3500km or so). If you have stopovers, simply add up the duration of each flight.

Note that if you travelled to a distant destination in several "short" journeys, these should be taken into account in the previous questions.

Suggestions are based on the minimum round-trip flight duration found in search engines, doubled to consider a round-trip.

💡 Count only the km of personal travel and home-work travel to reach your usual place of work. For example, if you're on a business assignment in another country, this will be included in your company's accounts.


The characterization "long haul" by the travel time is given by the rule medium haul . max duration = 6.48h.

How is this figure calculated?

To find out more about this rule in our model, run the calculation by clicking on the button below.