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🏛️ Societal services

This item includes the footprint of French public services, and market services that can be considered essential to everyone's life, divided by the country's population.

The first category "public services" includes for example the footprint of French hospitals, or justice. We consider that this footprint should be equally distributed for all citizens, because these are "republican" jobs that only democracy can make evolve, not directly by individual consumption choices

The second category "market services" includes the telecommunications network (fiber, telephone, etc.), but also insurance and the post office. These are relatively universal services for which we do not yet have the details that would allow us to distribute the footprint according to the consumption choices of citizens.


The model that allows us to calculate these two constants "public services" and "market services" is different from the rest of the Nos Gestes Climat model because it is called "macroscopic". It is a macroscopic reconstruction based on the volume of money exchanged in billions of € per sector.

The inclusion of this macro model allows the UCS model to be hybridized. We can thus say that it is predominantly micro with a macro component.

Our source for the two macro constants is the calculation of the French national footprint by the Ministry of Ecology. Here is the most recent article, which gives us an estimate of the national footprint of 8.9 tons in 2021. The figure is extrapolated with a lot of additional uncertainties compared to the figure of 9.2 tons in 2018.

To understand how this model works, see this explanation page.

How is this figure calculated?

To find out more about this rule in our model, run the calculation by clicking on the button below.

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