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To calculate the seasonal factors, which depend on both the location of the second home and the season in which it is visited, we have used the degree-hour data available for each climate zone, which can be found in this table. These degree hours can be found in the appendix to the Order of 8 October 2021 modifying the calculation method and the methods for establishing the energy performance diagnosis, available here.

In France, there are three climate zones: H1, the coldest zone, the north-eastern half of France. H2, a temperate zone in the west and south-west. H3, the hottest zone, the south-east of France and French overseas departments and territories.

Climate zones France

For our calculations, we have opted for the following assumptions:

  • Homes located on the north-west coast, in the countryside or in towns, correspond to the average for zones H1 and H2 < 800 mètres d'altitude
  • Les logements situés sur le littoral méditerranéen correspondent à la zone H3 < 400 mètres d'altitude
  • Les logements situés en montagne correspondent aux zones H1 et H2 > 800 metres above sea level

We have related this to the average daily degree-hours over the year, to establish the multiplication factors for the average heating degree-hours for one day, whatever the location.

multiplication factors by climate zone and period](

How is this figure calculated?

  • Facteur saison * (parc français . chauffage . empreinte moyenne par m2 hors électricité + parc français . chauffage . empreinte électricité moyenne par m2) * surface * pro-rata présence annuelle

To find out more about this rule in our model, run the calculation by clicking on the button below.

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