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Hotel footprint per night


Our assumption on the emission factor used

According to the 2019 French mobility survey, 86% of French people travel in France. We therefore assume that nights are spent in France.

Our data source

The final pre-deployment report on the environmental display for hotels, published by ADEME in March 2020, gives an average of 9.91 kgCO2 eq/night. If we subtract the breakfast part (which accounts for 30% of the footprint), since we'd have double counting of the latter, we end up with a footprint per night of 9.91 * (1 - 30%) = 6.93 kg eqCO2.

The report also splits the footprint according to hotel class. To start with, we've assumed an average footprint across all classes, but this can be implemented later. This would give :

  • Unclassified hotels: 4.73 kg CO2e / night
  • 2* hotels: 8.53 kg eqCO2 / night
  • 3* hotels: 8.47 kg eqCO2 / night
  • 4* hotels: 11.43 kg eqCO2 / night
  • 5* hotels: 17.11 kg eqCO2 / night

    For several years now, Betterfly Tourism, in partnership with ADEME (the French Environment and Energy Management Agency), has been implementing environmental labelling for hotels. It will therefore be possible to reassess the footprint with more recent data from their consolidated database.

    For its part, the Hotel Carbon Measurement Initiative (HCMI ), which feeds the Cornell Hotel Sustainability Benchmarking Index, provides relevant data for our use. This could be a good starting point for the day when we want to differentiate between hotel nights spent in different countries. Note that the HCMI gives an average for France of 7.7 kgCO2 eq/night, which is very close to the figure we have chosen, calculated from the ADEME benchmark.

    Point publicodes : As this rule is used in other areas, such as 'logement . vacances . hotel', it is important not to include it in this area, as this would render the footprint of the overnight stay inapplicable if the hotel rule is also inapplicable.

How is this figure calculated?

  • 6.93

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