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Question for the user

What type of accommodation do you live in?

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The increase in the number of flats can make us forget that the majority of French households in 2018 still live in houses.

This has a major impact on the construction footprint, but also on the scope for insulation work, for example.

If you live in an unusual type of accommodation, such as a camper van / lorry / barge, no problem: choose "flat" and enter the m² of what you actually live in.


In 2018, single-family homes accounted for 56% of all dwellings (Source: INSEE): the majority of both primary residences and secondary and occasional homes. After increasing between 1999 and 2008, this proportion is falling slightly, as the number of multi-family homes is increasing faster than that of single-family homes as a result of recent trends in new construction. It should be noted that this is a proportion of dwellings; however, it can be expected (to be verified) that houses contain more people on average than flats, which reinforces the choice of the default value.

How is this figure calculated?

To find out more about this rule in our model, run the calculation by clicking on the button below.

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