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Chlorine mass

ℹ️ This rule comes from the futureco-data model.

If you opt for a chlorine treatment, you will need to count on an annual budget of approximately €150 for chlorine, €20 for flocculant, €30 for an anti-scale product and €30 for a product to rebalance the pH, which corresponds to an annual budget of approximately €230

On the basis of the hypotheses sourced in the references below, for the time being and in order to obtain an initial order of magnitude, we equate all the chemicals used in a swimming pool with chlorine.

We then use an order of magnitude for the price of chlorine: on April 20, 2021, prices of €35/5kg of pool chlorine. On the basis of €150 worth of chlorine per year, this gives ~4 kg, which is consistent with the 5 kg package size.

We also don't know how the chlorine purchased is transported, often by car.

The result calculated here has an order of magnitude consistent with that given in this article, ~ 20 kg.

How is this figure calculated?

  • (150 € + 20 € + 30 € + 30 €) / (35 € / 5 kg)

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