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Source for the default figure: La climatisation de confort dans les bâtiments résidentiels et tertiaires, état des lieux 2020, June 2021, page 3.

The survey of 800 households carried out by CODA Stratégies in the summer of 2020 as part of this study found an equipment rate of 25%, consistent with the data collected by EDF a year earlier.

This average rate of 25% masks major disparities. For example, 31% of owners of detached houses have air conditioning, compared with just 20% of households living in collective housing.

How is this figure calculated?

  • Formule:
    • Variations:
        • Logement . type = 'appartement'
        • 0.20 climatiseur
        • Logement . type = 'maison'
        • 0.31 climatiseur
        • Sinon:
          • Moyenne:
            • 0.20 climatiseur
            • 0.31 climatiseur

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