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🔄🪵 Heating with wood

Installing a wood-burning stove or boiler means you are no longer dependent on fossil fuels (oil, gas) or electricity for heating. It's an economical way of heating.

Discover our advice on how to use your wood-burning stove.

And if you're wondering how wood resources are managed, here's our "10 questions about the French forest" guide.

However, make sure you choose a modern, efficient appliance, as old stoves release pollutants into the air. To find out more about the most efficient stoves, see our guide.


For the moment, we consider that replacing the kWh dedicated to heating with the same quantity of kWh of wood is a good first-order approximation. We will be able to adapt this to the performance of residential installations at a later date.

How is this figure calculated?

  • Applicable si:
    • Toutes ces conditions:
      • Propriétaire
        • Une de ces conditions:
            • Toutes ces conditions:
                • Chauffage . gaz . présent
              • Chauffage . gaz . présent
            • Toutes ces conditions:
                • Chauffage . fioul . présent
              • Chauffage . fioul . présent
            • Toutes ces conditions:
                • Chauffage . citerne propane . présent
              • Chauffage . citerne propane . présent
  • Non applicable si:
    • Toutes ces conditions:
        • Logement . construction . rénovation . travaux . chauffage . présent
      • Logement . construction . rénovation . travaux . chauffage . présent
  • (logement . chauffage - recalcul) / habitants

To find out more about this rule in our model, run the calculation by clicking on the button below.

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