Calculate your climate footprint in 10 minutes top time.
Take the testConsumption
Question for the user
What is your annual energy consumption via the heating network connected to your home?
Input help
The carbon content of the kWh of heat from a heating network depends strongly on the network to which you are connected.
For the time being, we are basing ourselves on an average emission factor: we have chosen not to ask you for your address.
Tip: You can find your annual energy consumption on your bills or in your online account on your supplier's website.
It is possible that your condominium does not provide you with the consumption in kWh of your dwelling, when the boiler is centralized. However, it must provide you with the amount in €, which you can enter below to estimate your kWh.
How is this figure calculated?
- Réseau de chaleur . présent = non
- Logement . chauffage . réseau de chaleur . consommation estimée via le coût . saisie
- 0
- 150000
- Parc français . chauffage . consommation réseau de chaleur par m2 * surface
To find out more about this rule in our model, run the calculation by clicking on the button below.