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Cost per kWh of gas

This is the factor that enables us to go from the price paid by the household to consumption in kWh.

Here we calculate the price of gas on the basis of a household's consumption.

This means including the various compulsory levies, as well as the subscription that is really significant in the case of gas.

Please note that the gas market has been largely liberalised, so the regulated tariff, which is the basis of our calculation, is no longer exclusive. You can no longer subscribe to it, but existing customers will continue to do so until 2023.

In 2023, there will be two types of tariff: one that is indexed to the regulated tariff, which is very close to it, and completely free tariffs, often set for a fixed period.

We therefore assume that the regulated tariff remains representative of the price for an average household.

Source for the list of taxes.

See also:


Note that the calculation formula is p = c * a + b, where p = price, c = cost, a = marginal cost including VAT, b = fixed cost.

We could therefore obtain a much more reliable estimate of consumption from the price by inverting this equation.

But unfortunately our estimation form currently only works with a multiplication factor.

How is this figure calculated?

  • Prix total / consommation par défaut

To find out more about this rule in our model, run the calculation by clicking on the button below.

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