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Question for the user

What is the annual wood pellet consumption of your household?

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💡 Tip: on average, 1kg of pellets produce 4.6 kWh. So you can multiply your annual consumption (in tons) by 4600 kWh.


The default value here is a priori largely overestimated. Indeed, the data used CEREN) reflect poorly the reality of wood energy. The data on wood consumption of households aggregates both data on pellets (efficient in terms of combustion) and on wood logs in open fireplaces (poor performance).

And so it is likely that if the discrimination by type of firewood was made in the CEREN data (for kWh consumed and surface heated) we would end up with a much lower value in kWh/m2 for pellets than for wood logs.

How is this figure calculated?

  • Logement . chauffage . bois . type . granulés . consommation estimée via le coût . saisie
  • 0
  • 200000
  • Parc français . chauffage . consommation bois par m2 * surface

To find out more about this rule in our model, run the calculation by clicking on the button below.

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