Calculate your climate footprint in 10 minutes top time.

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↘️🌡 Number of degrees

Question for the user

How many degrees would you be willing to lower the temperature in your home?

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¾ of a household's energy consumption is spent on heating and hot water.

This energy consumption, in addition to having a significant financial cost, increases the carbon footprint of households.

However, it can easily be limited by lowering the temperature of the occupied rooms without losing thermal comfort or feeling cold (provided that the dwellings are well insulated).

For example, set the temperature between 19° and 21°C in occupied rooms during the day (and 17°C at night or in rooms that are not very busy).

Indeed, lowering the heating temperature by 1°C represents an energy saving of 7%.

How is this figure calculated?

  • 1
  • Suggestions:
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3

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