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Collective heating

Question for the user

Is your heating system collective or individual?


It is assumed that the action is only applicable to apartments heated by a collective gas or oil network. Indeed, on the private side, it is preferable to work with the co-owners of a building because the individual housing is not a priority target for this type of solution, both for questions of economic profitability and also because not a priority target for this type of solution, both for questions of economic profitability but also because the thermal density of the network would be too low in view of the density of the network would be too low in view of the consumption of an individual home.

How is this figure calculated?

  • Avec:
    • Collectif:
      • Individuel:
      • 'collectif'
      • Formule:
        • Une possibilité:

      To find out more about this rule in our model, run the calculation by clicking on the button below.