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Carbon footprint per French person estimated by the SDES

The calculation of the French individual carbon footprint proposed here is based on the work of the SDES for the year 2017 GHG emissions are estimated from each euro of final demand for each of the major product categories (goods and services) identified by the national accounts.

The carbon footprint calculated here is therefore composed of direct household emissions (from fuels consumed by individual vehicles and fossil fuels used in the home), and of direct emissions from the transportation of goods and fossil fuels used in household boilers) and the emissions associated with the goods and services and the emissions associated with the goods and services supplied to the final demand. The origin of the emissions of these goods and services is identified and allows to emissions from domestic production and those associated with imports. Imports can be addressed to to final demand or consumed by economic activities (raw materials, semi-finished products).


How is this figure calculated?

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