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🔌 Household appliances


We're only counting the construction footprint of household appliances here, as their use mainly involves electricity, already counted via the kWh bill.

So be careful not to confuse ADEME's LCA data (which take into account the entire life cycle: from cradle to grave) with the Base Carbone's EFs, which only give the impact of a product's manufacture (although they do include the "distribution" phase in the EF). These EFs do not consider the "use" and "end-of-life" phases, but they are the same data. NGC's use of these EFs is consistent, since electricity consumption linked to the product's "use" phase is taken into account by NGC via questions on consumption.

The same applies to the "end-of-life" phase, which is taken into account via NGC's waste model (which takes into account the quantities of waste taken to waste collection centers, where household electrical appliances are (theoretically) taken at the end of their life).

We assume that all household appliances are used by the whole household, even if some of them may only be used individually - a limitation of the test.

Appliance lifespans evolve according to the preservation coefficient determined by the question on efforts to preserve equipment.

How is this figure calculated?

  • Métrique != "carbone"
  • Appareils / logement . habitants

To find out more about this rule in our model, run the calculation by clicking on the button below.

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