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Consumption per week

Question for the user

How much do you smoke each week?

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💡 Enter your weekly cigarette consumption here. A pack is considered to contain 20 cigarettes. If you smoke rolls, remember to adapt your calculation.

Note that the impact of tobacco isn't just carbon: it's also responsible for deforestation, and the significant use of water and farmland!

For the moment, we're only considering conventional cigarettes. Electronic cigarettes are not yet included in our calculations, due to lack of data!


According to the INSEE study on household spending in 2017, a household spends an average of €402 a year on tobacco (all households combined). The price of a pack of cigarettes in 2017 was €7.05 on average. For a household of 2.2 people (the French average), and at 20 cigarettes per pack, the average French person therefore consumes around 520 cigarettes a year, or 26 packs a year, or half a pack a week!

Another source of data: according to Santé Publique France, a smoker consumes an average of 12.7 cigarettes a day, or 4636 cigarettes a day, equivalent to 65 kgCO2e a year. However, this figure is not included in the calculation.

On the basis of the assumptions set out at the beginning of this paragraph, each French person consumes an average of around 7 kgCO2e.

How is this figure calculated?

  • 0
  • 21
  • We consider an upper limit of 3 packs per day.
  • 0.5
  • Suggestions:
    • 0
    • 0.25
    • 1
    • 7

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