Calculate your climate footprint in 10 minutes top time.

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🧴 Footprint of consumables over a month


For this question, and in order to facilitate the answer, we decided to propose a predefined choice (arbitrarily) among 3 levels of answer, considering that a product weighs around 500 grams.

  • Low consumption of 1 kg of products per month
  • Normal consumption: 2 kg per month
  • High consumption: 5 kg per month

To help us define these levels, and on the basis of internet research, we have assumed that a "normal" consumption of these products per person per year is:

For hygiene products:

  • perfumery (perfumes, eau de toilette, etc.): 500g
  • toiletries (soaps, shower gels, deodorants, toothpastes, etc.): 3kg
  • hair care products (shampoos, hairsprays, gels, styling mousse, hair color, etc.): 3kg
  • cosmetics (make-up, skincare creams, baby products, sun creams, etc.): 2kg

For cleaning products :

  • Dishwashing liquid: 2kg
  • Dishwashing detergent: 3kg (3 washes per week, 20g per wash)
  • Liquid detergent: 5kg (2 washes per week, 50g per wash)
  • Multi-purpose cleaner: 5kg

A "normal amount" consumed by one person is thus estimated at 2kg per month.

How is this figure calculated?

  • Formule:
    • Variations:
        • Consommation = 'faible'
        • Empreinte * 1 kg/mois
        • Consommation = 'normale'
        • Empreinte * 2 kg/mois
        • Consommation = 'élevée'
        • Empreinte * 5 kg/mois

To find out more about this rule in our model, run the calculation by clicking on the button below.