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🧴 Consumables

The aim here is to remove consumables, which are not amortized, from the "expenses" question, in the same way as "long-term" purchases such as a musical instrument. The second challenge is to quantify the climate footprint of hygiene and cleaning products using a "consumption" approach "emission factors already exist for these products. On the other hand, the difficulty lies in the question put to the user: who is in a position to answer easily about their consumption in terms of weight, volume or €? The aim here is to facilitate the answer by defining different levels of consumption based on quantity consumed (EFs are defined in kgCO2e/kg of product).

How is this figure calculated?

  • Métrique != "carbone"
  • Empreinte par mois * commun . mois par an

To find out more about this rule in our model, run the calculation by clicking on the button below.

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