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In the first version of Nos Gestes Climat we divided the possibilities of this question into three categories, depending on the availability of data in the carbon base and manufacturers).

  • Basic phone (also known as a "feature phone", which today are a cross between the famous Nokia 3310 and the smartphone, with a small screen and low-end components)
  • Classic smartphone (mid-range, which accounts for the overwhelming majority of sales. Almost all smartphones sold in 2021 will have a screen larger than 5.5 inches)
  • Top-of-the-range smartphone (the GES balance sheet database does not include any "top-of-the-range phone" or "screen > 6 inches" categories. What's more, the footprint of an iPhone 11 estimated by Apple itself is 72kg of CO₂, 79% of which so ~57kg just for production.

Unless the scope of the studies is not the same, but a larger scope taken by the company than by the environmental authority is surprising to say the least, we retain the manufacturer's value.

Nevertheless, the latest NegaOctet data (see Empreinte database), like the manufacturers, seems to give a higher value than the figures in the Carbon database. We therefore use the latest NegaOctet data.


How is this figure calculated?

To find out more about this rule in our model, run the calculation by clicking on the button below.

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