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Approximate frequency


These factors have been set arbitrarily, via the study "Visiting museums, exhibitions and monuments in 2019", published by the French Ministry of Culture.

According to this study, we have for museum and heritage visits :

  • 30% of the population are "amateurs": more than 3 visits a year
  • 37% of the population are "occasional" visitors: 1 to 2 visits a year
  • The rest are non-visitors

These figures concern people over 18. There is therefore a slight bias here.

Could we also reason per visit?

How is this figure calculated?

  • Formule:
    • Variations:
        • Fréquence = 'occasionnel'
        • 1
        • Fréquence = 'amateur'
        • 2

To find out more about this rule in our model, run the calculation by clicking on the button below.