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On average, households spend €1040 a year on cultural goods and services, of which 22% goes on books and the press, i.e. €228, or just under €20 a month. With an average household size of 2.2 people, we can estimate that an adult spends an average of just under €10 a month on press, books and software.
How is this figure calculated?
- 'normale'
To find out more about this rule in our model, run the calculation by clicking on the button below.
Pages proches
- divers › loisirs › culture › édition ›
weighted frequency - divers › loisirs › culture › édition › fréquence ›
Less than €5 per month - divers › loisirs › culture › édition › fréquence ›
From €5 to €15 per month - divers › loisirs › culture › édition › fréquence ›
From €15 to €30 per month - divers › loisirs › culture › édition › fréquence ›
More than €30 per month