Calculate your climate footprint in 10 minutes top time.

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Spending on new manufactured goods

Question for the user

The test does not yet capture all your consumption. How would you estimate your level of spending on new products (interior decoration, DIY, games, hobbies, tools, etc.)?

Input help

To keep the interface simple, we propose an estimate, via your expenses, of the footprint of consumer goods that you don't think you've included in the previous questions.

It concerns: games, decoration, kitchen equipment, household linen, materials for hobbies and crafts, plants, etc.

💡 The orders of magnitude in € proposed here are based on INSEE household expenditure statistics. The average French person spends €80/month on these items.


The orders of magnitude associated with each of these possibilities are derived from the work described in the description of the "other products . corrective factor" rule. It is assumed here that expenditure and income levels are strongly correlated.

How is this figure calculated?

To find out more about this rule in our model, run the calculation by clicking on the button below.

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