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Correction factor

This factor is used to modulate the footprint of new product purchases according to INSEE household expenditure statistics by decile.


For this question, which is subject to a number of uncertainties, both in terms of the "Top Down" calculation method used here, and in terms of the composition of the emission categories making up this question, we have chosen to work on the basis of the INSEE study of household expenditure in 2017 emissions, we have chosen to work on the basis of the INSEE study of household expenditure in 2017in order to establish a scale of expenditure that will enable us to modulate the footprint associated with this question via orders of magnitude.

According to these data (see aggregation table below), the level of expenditure per French person is around €1,000 per year, a level of expenditure that varies according to the income decile of the population. Note that to obtain the level of expenditure per individual, we divide the average expenditure per household by 2.2, which is the average size of a French household

In this table, the percentages indicated in columns D1 to D10 are corrective factors associated with the spending deciles in relation to the average spending for each of these sectors

To make it easier to answer the question, we propose 3 spending levels corresponding to deciles D3, D6 and D9 (rounded).

CategoryAverage expenditure per householdAverage expenditure per French personD1D2D3D4D5D6D7D8D9D10
Games, Jewelry, Leisure319145,055%44%65%50%79%94%92%194%169%158%
Leather goods and other accessories7132.338%55%58%62%56%77%114%156%193%196%
Carpets and other coverings146.47%21%93%71%64%71%157%207%121%164%
Dishes, kitchenware8036.443%55%63%96%71%85%120%173%133%160%
Tools (Household and Garden)20995.022%54%67%61%69%79%153%135%114%243%
Repair Services1,121509.549%59%70%69%75%94%108%131%146%198%

How is this figure calculated?

  • Formule:
    • Variations:
        • Niveau de dépenses = 'faible'
        • 65%
        • Niveau de dépenses = 'moyen'
        • 100%
        • Niveau de dépenses = 'important'
        • 150%

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