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Question for the user

What is your relationship with your objects, appliances and furniture?

Input help

To avoid asking you to enter the precise age of all the goods you own, we have defined an average age for each of your items (generally around 10 years). You can extend or reduce this average age here!

Our aim here is not to assess the age of your items before they become unusable, but their age when their owners decide to replace them with new ones.


The preservation rule is integrated here in the furniture namespace, even though it applies to all objects in the miscellaneous category. This is a hack to manage the display order by taking advantage of the display in category order. Logically, this question, which applies to several categories, should be at the root, in diverse . preservation directly. We could also imagine a namespace dedicated to the sub-categories concerned, i.e. furniture, appliances and digital. For reasons of simplicity, it has been decided to leave this question in furniture.

How is this figure calculated?

  • Applicable si:
    • Une de ces conditions:
      • Ameublement . meubles . nombre total > 0
      • Électroménager . appareils . nombre total > 0
      • Numérique . appareils . nombre total > 0
  • 'moyen'
  • Formule:

To find out more about this rule in our model, run the calculation by clicking on the button below.

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